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Employee Spotlight: Rebecca Frantz

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Employee Spotlights

Job Title: Loan Officer
Location: Oakland Branch
Tenure: 7 years
Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I was in 4-H throughout my childhood. I served in a variety of leadership roles while I was a member. I showed market animals at our county fair throughout my childhood.
Briefly describe your involvement in FFA. I was a very active FFA member. While in the Oakland FFA Chapter, I served as chapter vice president and president. I also competed in a variety of contest at the state level. I was lucky enough to compete in the national Agronomy CDE after winning the state contest. My senior year of high school I was elected as the State FFA President for Maryland. The final highlight of my FFA membership was receiving my American FFA Degree. I am now a lifetime alumni member and participate in local chapter events when the local advisors need a hand.
Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. I grew up on a beef cattle farm. Today my husband and I are the 6th generation to live and operate on his family farm. We run a commercial beef cattle operation. We also direct market American Wagyu cattle direct to consumers. I have a few horses that I ride as much as I can. 
Tell us about your family. My husband (Randall) and I have two children. Emery (2) and Blaine (11 months). We also have a Blue Heeler named Annie. We live close to both our families and are blessed with an amazing support system. We could not manage without all the help!

Frantz family photo

What is your favorite book or author? I enjoy reading all the "Killing Series" of books by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard.
What is your favorite season? My favorite season is summer. I love being outside so summer is the obvious choice.
Tell us about the best pet you've ever had. The best pet I have ever had is our current dog, Annie (pictured below). Although she can be a handful, she is the most loyal dog and loves being around our family. 

blue heeler and baby

What's your go-to productivity tip or trick? I am a morning person, so my tip is get the most important things done in the morning.
What is your favorite thing about Farm Credit? I love the members we serve.
What are your hopes for the ag industry? My hope for the future of the agriculture industry is that the industry can continue to provide a safe and abundant food supply for a growing population. I think it will become more important that the industry finds ways to communicate better with the consumer. Consumers are becoming further distanced from the farm and can be influenced by narratives, which are being driven by parties who strive to demonize the agricultural industry.
Tell us about your hobbies. I really enjoy riding horses and helping on the farm. 

winter farm horse

What has been your greatest achievement? Becoming a mom has been my greatest achievement. Nothing in my life has ever been more rewarding. My children have a way of putting everything in perspective for me. I cannot imagine anything matching the joy I feel watching them grow.
Are you involved in any other clubs or organizations? I serve as a director on the Garrett County Farm Bureau Board of Directors.

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