Let's Talk Crop Insurance!

Farm Management Resources
Thank you to our Farm Credit Crop Insurance Agents for providing today's post! For more information or to contact an agent, see the contact information at the end of this post.
No one knows agriculture like Farm Credit. When the Farm Service Agency stopped selling crop insurance in 1997, it became necessary for farmers to rely on private insurance companies for their crop insurance needs. Who better to fill that need than an ag expert like Farm Credit?
Farm Credit has full time licensed agents on staff and their only responsibility is crop insurance. You won’t find a more knowledgeable bunch when it comes to sorting out all the available options, coverage levels, unit structures, etc. Our agents want to be a valuable resource for you and a consultant on your team.
So why buy crop insurance? Crop insurance is a risk management tool that is used to put a safety net under cash income. In times of low production and damaging weather such as drought, flood, and hail, crop insurance enables farm families to meet their financial obligations – both business and personal, and helps to ensure the survival of the farm business. Why in the state of Virginia alone in 2018, there were over $29 million in crop insurance indemnities paid to farmers.
We can help you with policies to cover many different commodities such as corn, soybeans, wheat, apples, grapes, nursery plants, processing vegetables and peaches just to name a few. We can also help you with policies that will protect you from a decline in livestock prices or dairy revenue. Multi-peril policies cover your crop for natural or weather related losses including drought, excess rain, wind, wildlife damage and hail. You may cover your crop for loss of yield or revenue. Other types of policies include Whole Farm Revenue Protection, Pasture Rangeland & Forage, Livestock Revenue Protection and Dairy Revenue Protection. Replant coverage is included on most policies.
Signing up for crop insurance is easy. Simply call one of our agents. They will help you understand which products are available in your county and the important features of each product. They will also provide you with a comprehensive premium quote.
Keeping your business going through tough times is the idea behind crop insurance. It is Farm Credit’s goal to offer each farmer all levels of coverage for the products that are available and once armed with that information, you can select the level of coverage that is right for you.
For more information please feel free to reach out to Beth Pancione via email at bpancione@mafc.com or by calling 888.339.3334 extension 4164.
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